






Über mich: Welcome to my little world! ✨ Hey there! I’m Akiyama, a 25-year-old from the vibrant city of Shymkent, Kazakhstan. This space is a reflection of my personality — calm, friendly, and always open to meaningful connections. Here, you’ll find glimpses of my life, personal thoughts, and a bit of aesthetic charm. I’m a lover of video games of all genres, from strategy to simulators, and I enjoy sharing moments of my gaming adventures. I value kindness, humor, and authentic conversations. If you’re looking for a cozy space filled with good energy and positive vibes, you’re in the right place! Feel free to stick around, say hi, and let’s make this space even more special together. Welcome aboard! 💫

Über mich

Welcome to my little world! ✨

Hey there! I’m Akiyama, a 25-year-old from the vibrant city of Shymkent, Kazakhstan. This space is a reflection of my personality — calm, friendly, and always open to meaningful connections.
Here, you’ll find glimpses of my life, personal thoughts, and a bit of aesthetic charm. I’m a lover of video games of all genres, from strategy to simulators, and I enjoy sharing moments of my gaming adventures.
I value kindness, humor, and authentic conversations. If you’re looking for a cozy space filled with good energy and positive vibes, you’re in the right place!
Feel free to stick around, say hi, and let’s make this space even more special together. Welcome aboard! 💫
Zum Profil

Akiyama_Sweet Personal information

Mein Aussehen

  • Ethnizität:
  • Körpertyp:
  • Haarlänge:
  • Haarfarbe:
  • Augenfarbe:
  • Körpergröße:
    5 ft 68 in (174 cm)

Akiyama_Sweet Transgender-Pornostar-Videos

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