Gesperrter schwanz-eruption teil 2
2,270 100%
I've released you from chastity for your monthly cock milking. You're lucky that I let you out at all, and even luckier that I use both of my hands on your cock. It's pathetic that this is the only pleasure you'll ever get from a woman. Don't make me wait--you need to cum quickly before my little hands are tired of stroking you. Cum for your Mistress and let me drain your swollen, aching balls. It's the only chance you'll have for release this month.
Mach dir keine Hoffnungen, nur weil ich dich vor Stunden geärgert habe.
Es ist nur eine normale Melkerei.
Du musst deine Eier abzapfen.
Stell sicher, dass du voll befriedigt bist, denn wenn du wieder da reingehst, weißt du nie, wann
Ich werde dich wieder rauslassen.